In accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s guidelines for disclosure compliance, we at Acousticc want to ensure transparency and trustworthiness in our interactions with our valued readers and viewers.

When you explore our website and come across links or recommendations related to audio equipment and related products, it’s essential to know that some of these links may be affiliate links. These affiliate links enable us to earn a small commission when you make a purchase through them, but rest assured that this does not affect the price you pay.

Here’s what you should understand about affiliate links:

  1. No Impact on Prices: Whether you choose to buy a product through an affiliate link or a non-affiliate link, you will pay the same price. The cost to you remains unaffected by clicking on affiliate links.
  2. Direct Purchases: Clicking on an affiliate link will take you directly to the seller’s website, not through Acousticc.
  3. Amazon Affiliate Program: We participate in the Amazon Affiliate Program, which means we may link to and its affiliated sites, as well as other websites associated with the Amazon Associates Program.
  4. Our Recommendations: We only recommend audio equipment and related products that we personally use or would confidently recommend to our family and friends. Our priority is to provide you with valuable insights and honest reviews.

By making a purchase through our affiliate links, you actively support our mission to continue researching and sharing information about high-quality audio equipment and related products. Your support is greatly appreciated and helps us serve the audiophile community better.

Thank you for being a part of Acousticc, and we look forward to helping you enhance your audio experience. Your trust and support mean a lot to us! ~ The Acousticc Team